Yoga classes, Kobido massage & Reiki treatment in French and English in Lisbon

Reiki treatment
In French, English & Portuguese
Address: Rua Quintinha 35, RC dto
By chance, as often happens in life, during therapeutic yoga treatments or while touching the little rounded bellies of my pregnant friends, I discovered magnetism in my hands, inherited from my maternal grandmother.
To be able to transmit this energy to you as best as possible, I decided to train in Gendaï Reiki Ryo-Ho (recognized by the Ministry of State in Japan).
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique by placing hands on certain parts of the body. It promotes the emergence of your natural potential by reharmonizing the balance between the physical, mental and emotional levels.
These treatments allow me to support you during any trials or transitional moments in your life to restore greater serenity.
Care can be done remotely or in person.
For my part, I was able to experience the power of Reiki by succeeding in greatly channeling and reducing my pain linked to endometriosis thanks to self-care.
"Reiki is the secret method to invite happiness into our lives."
Mikao Usui