Yoga classes, Kobido massage & Reiki treatment in French and English in Lisbon

Themed Yoga Workshop
Workshop cycle
According to BKS Iyengar, the best way to keep the body healthy throughout the ages is to keep the sacrum/coccyx and sternum/dorsal areas mobile and flexible.
Born from the workshop "coherence between our two brains" (connecting the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems) I wanted to offer you the continuation of this practice through two workshops mobilizing the Sacro-iliac and Thoracic zones, intimately linked by the vagus nerve and the synergy between the perineum and the diaphragm.

1 Workshop: Freeing the diaphragm
(Heart/Lungs/Thoracic cage)
◈ Location: Lisboa Yoga Loft
◈ Date: December 1, 2024
◈ Time: 10am - 1pm
◈ Price: 40 euros (70 euros for the 2 workshops)
◈ Suitable for all levels and cycle periods, not suitable for pregnant women.
◈ All alignment equipment is provided on site.
◈ Workshop by reservation only.

2 Workshop:
Mobilization of the pelvis
◈ Location: Lisboa Yoga Loft
◈ Date: January 26, 2025
◈ Time: 10am - 1pm
◈ Price: 40 euros (70 euros for the 2 workshops)
◈ Suitable for all levels and cycle periods, not suitable for pregnant women.
◈ All alignment equipment is provided on site.
◈ Workshop by reservation only.